Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Something like a dream
Dazed you walk beside me
Footsteps barely visible

No one can tell
That you were even here
But I hear you say it's this way you prefer

Preference likened to aged merlot left out in the sun
Bitter and warm to the tongue

So my skin like sparkling wine refreshes your appetite
But can it satisfy

The mirage that once lie before your eyes
Now unveiled the lie
that I am ordinary

No reason to give extra thought to what you've easily won
A prize handed to you without battle
Has no value

But the idea of me
was priceless

E. Glover 2018

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Let My Voice Be Heard

My pearls cast before swine seeking to soil my soul
Breaking up headstones of my ancestors
Sowing seeds of discord and deceit,
Disillusioned youth sit idly by as right and wrong fade into obscurity
As rights
Fade into obscurity

Unaware of the cost
Hard fought and wrenching tears of my great-grandmother
Taking a long walk home instead of a back seat
So we could dine inside
Making the front doors and seats of this nation ours

Hours pass as we wait words of comfort
For mothers whose only induction in this movement
Come through injustice and loss

And justice is loss
Out of reach for those who can't pay
But haven't we paid enough
This nation's soil soaked with the blood of slaves
Never offered an option on a middle passage that tore them from home and country
Language and identity

How can we be anything but American? When we never had a say
And now I say
Rise up and take the land that your fathers toiled
Change has come 
Cooke's prophesy,
Martin's dream,
Malcolm's zeal
Poured out on this people
Our people
Your people

We hold these truths to be self evident that ALL men
Never meant me
My sons, my daughter
So I refuse to stay silent
Til equality rings loud as wisdom in His word
In a nation desperate for change
Let my voice be heard
Let my vote be counted

E. Glover, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Longing whispers deep into dark spaces of my mind
Secluded and void of contact
they wither
Like fruit left out on a summer's day
The sweetest honey becomes grapes sour enough to pucker
lips left unkissed
Hands unheld grow cold
Touch a fading memory
Like Polaroid cameras and cds
Outdated and useless
Is love without sacrifice
Committed only to selfish ambition
Dreams crushed under the weight
The wait
Too long
I long
Til my dream's nothing more than an apparition
Til resentment is all I have left

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Midnight ramblings

Ever find yourself mindlessly roaming social media at the wee hours of the morning. Well maybe that's just me...checking up the happenings with old friends and acquaintances I'm always promising to keep in touch with but never seem to...smiling at the funny videos they post or commiserating with them over some twice removed calamity. Then it starts to creep up on me...you know it. That familiar feeling that everyone else seems to be moving forward in life yet you feel like a hamster on the wheel going nowhere fast. Jealousy creeps in at the sight of engagements and weddings or the new homes and fancy vacations those less encumbered are enjoying, meanwhile you stretch out your work day to take care of home and barely squeeze in an hour (particularly this LATE hour) to unwind. So what do you do at that point, what do I do? Does the desire to covet lead me to destruction...it certainly can. I've learned from others mistakes a quite of few of my own that just because it looks good doesn't mean it's beneficial.

So what I do is this...first sip a warm cup of tea (always puts me to sleep), then offer all of this up to God with the acknowledgement that he is the ULTIMATE authority. If I had taken the road "frequently traveled" I would never have the opportunity to enjoy the scenery, to bask in the light of God's glory lighting my path, his voice leading me onward when its all I have left. He knows what I need when I need it...I've gotta trust him. Be blessed and encouraged.

"The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." -1 Thessalonians 5:24

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Words On A Page (Poem)

Words on a page

Why is it always so hard to love?

Hard to hope
Hard to believe
Hard to bear and endure

Why couldn’t life be like a movie script?

Written and directed by us
Starring the greatest moments of our existence
And missing all those memories we wish we could edit away

Our first crush, there                                                   
Our first kiss, there
Our first heartbreak, gone

Love in itself is a mystery
To care more for others than self is beyond our sinful nature
But it is through receiving God’s love
That we learn to give it away

You must first learn to love yourself
As you are
As God made you to be

And then most importantly to love him
Above All things
To be content with Him alone
For He IS love
To believe that he will withhold no good thing from us

We must willingly lose what we have
To gain all that he has for us
For his plan is flawless

See He decides the when, where and how
We just decide to follow
To obey Him even when it hurts
Even when we don’t want to let go

To choose walk alone with God is no easy task
To trust that he will guide you in His perfect will
Sounds simple

But these growing pains, they’re real
Lord you’ re stretching much more than my faith
Developing in me perseverance, character and hope

Still at times I feel like I’m walking through a desert with only a mirage ahead of me
And the sandstorm I left on my heels

Time after time I’ve prayed that you would send someone to complete me
To lift me when I’m feeling low
To hold me when I’m too weak to walk this road
To hear my pleas and console my fears
To dry my tears
To love me, deeply
Without condition
Imperfect as I am

It’s at those times that your answer is
I already have

Your word declares that I need not be afraid
Because you live with me
You are my savior
You delight in me with gladness
With your love, you calm all my fears

And when I find myself like Paul
Begging you to remove this thorn in my flesh
You gently whisper to me
That your grace is all I need
That your power works best in my weakness

So I look not at the troubles I see before me
But fix my eyes upon the things I cannot
For these trouble are passing
Much like this life

But the promise I have in you is for all eternity.

©2008 Elaine Glover

Monday, June 23, 2014

Counting down...

Counting down the days until these humbled feet touch down on Haitian soil.
Counting down the hours until these grateful hands can serve the Haitian people.
Counting down the minutes until these opened eyes can capture the beauty of the land that you've created and the people that you lived, died and rose again to life for.
Counting down the seconds until this heart is so overwhelmed by you that I cannot imagine that you have chosen me to reach this precious land, these people that you treasure...Lord let me not take lightly one moment, not miss one opportunity to show your love...feels like I'm coming home...

Ayiti jan m 'renmen ou. Ayiti ki jan mwen te rate ou 
(Haiti how I love you, Haiti how I've missed you)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fundraising updates!

I hope all is well and want to start off by thanking everyone for their continued support and prayer for the missions trip. I've learned that I'm almost halfway towards reaching my goal of $1,520.00 and with just a little more than a month left to fundraise (May 25th is the deadline) I'm certain that God will provide. When I first learned of this opportunity I joyfully proclaimed "I'm going." As a parent of three it's easier said than done, but God has made the way before to allow me to minister abroad. This time of preparation has allowed me to grow closer to God and the teammates I will serve with in Cap-Haitien, Haiti through our team meetings, fundraising events and fellowship. I'm so thankful for all of the love and support God has surrounded me with. I'm also thankful for the leadership in place that challenges us to go deeper in our walk with God and the understanding of task ahead of us. I pray that God will continue to bind us together as we get closer to our trip date.

I also pray that you would prayerfully consider supporting myself and our teams efforts either through donating items to be sold at our upcoming flea market at Harvest Fields Community Church (May 3rd & 4th) or stopping by those two days to peruse our flea market or donating directly towards this effort to Harvest Fields Community Church , 2626 East Tremont Avenue Bronx, NY 10475. If you would like your fundraising to go directly towards meeting my personal goal please be sure to include my name in the notation or Haiti Missions Trip to support the team as a whole.

Finally, as we enter into this weekend and reflect upon the sacrifice that Jesus Christ gave for us on Calvary I cannot help but be overwhelmed by his willingness to give us everything so that we can receive the miracle of salvation and reconciliation.  I'm humbled that He would come down from  heaven, live and suffer for my sake, die for my sin and raise to life just so that I can be raised to new life alongside with Him. It is His love that calls me onward...that drives me to continue running this race. He still reigns in my heart, mind and soul...He reigns!

Peace and blessings,

Elaine G.